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Meet and Mingle Dating App  

Upload: 28 Jun 2023, 13:39
Created by: Lumpinou [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Meet and Mingle Dating App

Give your sims a dating life with the meet and mingle app! Here is a short tutorial on how to download and use the SimDa Dating App Mod, which give you a tinder-like phone app that can connect you to other sims for dates, blind dates, and random hookups/one night stands!

There will be several feature updates likely within the next two months (that’s my usual process for new mods).
Everything already available is shown below..


– Lets your Sims have visible, readable Online Dating Profiles

– Build your Sims’ dating info and profile

– If you want, write custom taglines and paragraphs into your individual Sims’ dating profile

– Various date options: blind date, semi-blind date, pick a date, pick a date via various filters (same age, different personality, etc)

– Once in a Meet-Up or date, your Sims can take things wherever they want them to go.
At any point, your Sim might decide they simply want this meet-up to be a Woohoo-encounter.
You can also decide to simply be friends.

If the other Sim says they’re ok with a Woohoo-encounter, woohoo interactions and other romantic interactions will become available without romance, and points won’t build up. If the other sim says they’re ok with a platonic connection, romance will become also impossible for the duration of the date.

– (OPTIONAL) Relationship goals: serious relationship, anything, just a good time, or friendship

– (OPTIONAL) Personality-based turn-ons & turn-offs
[cosmetic only at this moment, more functionality and items to be added in next updates]

+ if you have WW or WonW by Turbodriver, sims’ attractiveness preferences from Turbo’s mods can show in Meet&Mingle dating profiles. Thanks Turbo for the involvement!

 Be contacted occasionally by other Meet&Mingle Users if you set your Profile as Visible (more of these will be added later)

– Ask other Sims about their goals and personality preferences. (more social interactions to be added later)

–  Define gender preference via the app if you want, instead of having to go to CAS (those ho have my lgbtqia+ mod will not see this as that mod has its own orientation choice menu)

NOTE: Gender preference is automatically respected in all Meet&Mingle options, except in the two filters that deliberately and explicitly are to browse non-compatible sims.

– Private Messaging system: Open conversations with specific Sims. Chances to get some messages & decision pop-ups.
More features for this in development, and 
More possible messages coming later.

– Have control over what features play out or don’t, with a super easy, convenient Settings menu. 

– (Upcoming) go to ‘Single’s Mingle’ events

– And more


 You can access the Meet&Mingle App

– from the Sim’s phone,
– and from the ‘Dating Life’ menu if you have Mod 15 of the RPO Collection installed.

– You can modify non-currently-played-Sims’ Meet&Mingle profiles etc under ‘Actions’ if you have RPO debug enabled in settings. Don’t start a date from a non-currently-played Sim though!

– If your world lacks sims, You can Generate more Single Sims to appear on the app: under ‘settings’ in the phone menu


- remove everything from previous versions, EXCEPT the setting file if updating from v2.9. (if updating from v2.8, ALSO delete the settings file.)

- grab the RPO Core Library if you don't have it;

- grab the file from this post and put it directly into your mods folder or one subfolder (it's a .package file, so, not extracting!)

Unlisted Phone Numbers 20 KB

Unlisted Phone Numbers

08 May 2022
1 194

With this mod, characters with whom you have not exchanged numbers will not call your character and bother you with stupid phrases and offers to go with them to no one knows where, because they simply will not know your number.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.