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Freelance Chef v3.4  

Upload: 18 Mar 2022, 20:32
Last updated: 22-07-2023, 17:18
Created by: adeepindigo [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Freelance Chef v3.4

A new Freelance career for those who dabble in the culinary arts.

Career Features:

Two culinary agencies - Freelance Catering Chef and Freelance Pastry Chef

Choose when and where you work

Over 50 unique freelance gigs

Works with most custom food

Requires a mixture of baking skill, homestyle cooking, and gourmet cooking

Gigs for catering and baking require different styles of cooking, different budgets, different types of dishes, food restrictions and dietary needs, etc.

Starting bonus, boosted career performance, and bonus pay with a Culinary Arts degree.


This career requires Get to Work, City Living, and Cottage Living.

It also requires the XML injector found here: xml-injector

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