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Active Photographer Career  

Upload: 25 Jun 2022, 15:38
Created by: simawhimhot [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Active Photographer Career

Also added a new 3 level stylist career - that works along side the photographer career at Pimp my Pics and also Away Events.

I have made an active photographer career , that your sim can join along to work to take photos of subjects (sims) i have also made a new custom career venue that you will need to set the lot you decide to use as your studio to so that you get the option to join your sim to work  the new venue type called is called "Pimp MY Pics". Thank You for Downloading and i hope you enjoy it.

Zerbu venue changes by Zerbu

Russian translation by Ser_Kisyan : Download (GD)

Tattoo Artist Career 288.2 KB

Tattoo Artist Career

25 Jun 2022

Tattooing is an age-old form of body modification that involves permanently embedding ink in skin to create designs or images. Tattoo artists are professionals who design and apply tattoos to all areas of customers' bodies with specialized needles.

Group Dance Mod

Group Dance Mod

04 Jul 2022

Do your Sims love to move and dance, get together, have fun and dance all night long?! This dancing little mod includes 5 modern dances for your characters! Now they will have something to do in a nightclub or club of interest!

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