Girly Girl Traits
There is a special category of characters who are very fond of keeping an eye on their appearance - this character trait is perfect for them! Its owners will enjoy seemingly everyday things - taking a bath, trying on clothes and even reflecting in the mirror.

Functional Handbag
The "Functional Handbag" mod is all about adding new and useful interactions to the game. These interactions will make your sim's everyday life easier and more fun.

Showtime Mod
This mod allows your sims to turn their hobbies into a career. The showtime menu will help you become rich and famous but you still have to put in your own personal work. You can work at your own pace and even plan out your events.

Grocery Store Mod 1.2
Before Sims can cook anything, they must take care of their pantry and fill the refrigerator with the right ingredients that will open up new culinary possibilities.