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Sneaky Link  

Upload: 12 Apr 2022, 08:46
Created by: MuvaSimmer [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Sneaky Link

Are you in a relationship, but you communicate with someone on the side? You got attached, but you don’t want to stop it and so that no one knows about it?! We will not judge you! Have you found yourself in a situation where it is difficult for you to spend time with your significant other? Don't worry, "Hidden Connection" will help you without any questions.

Our events are tailor-made for characters like you who need something to keep their "Boo" busy, hope you know what we mean! Whether you want to go to the cinema or want to have a drink and a snack - we will provide you with everything you need 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just remember to turn off location services in your mobile device settings. You don't want to be followed... we'll have your back!

- This mod adds the ability to have a mistress or a lover for one night.
- You just click on the phone, schedule a social event and select "Hidden connection" there. Choose a "temporary couple" and a meeting place, either at your character's house, or at a temporary couple.

Venue - Rented Lots
- Mod adds 3 new social interactions to your characters.
- And they will also be able to get 9 interesting moodlets.

Lily-Valley - Librarian Career 666.6 kB

Lily-Valley - Librarian Career

26 Jul 2023
1 256

A Librarian Career with two tracks - Academic Librarian and Archvist. I’ve used some really beautiful Library CC builds for my promo pics for the career behind my sim - full credit to the owners. I’ve linked their lovely Library builds below - go and check them out!

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