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Keyboard character control / Direct Controls  

Upload: 13 Apr 2022, 17:13
Created by: victorandrade [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Keyboard character control / Direct Controls

Direct Controls is a mod for The Sims 4 that adds a whole new way of playing the game, by letting you control your Sim's every move.

With the press of a button (F1) you can seamlessly take control of your Sim's movement and explore the world through their perspective. Controlling your Sims with the keyboard is as natural as it gets if you've ever played any other modern third person or first person game before. The controls are as follows:

W, A, S, D: Movement
Shift: Sprint
F1: Enable/Disable Direct Controls


Smooth Movement System - An entirely new movement system was built from the ground up for The Sims 4 Direct Controls. You'll quickly adapt to a modern, smooth, camera-based movement inspired by the best third person and first person games out there.

First Person Support - Yes, the mod has a complete and fully fledged support for the beloved first person camera from The Sims 4. It automatically knows when you're in first person and all movement systems will adapt to it.

Automatic Traversal - Go anywhere. Your Sims will automatically traverse any doors, stairs, or evelators in the game. The world is all yours to explore!

In-Depth Customization - The mod features a fully functional in-game menu where you can customize everything and enable some very interesting features. Be a ghost, be the fastest man alive, be whatever you want to be, move however you want to move! By typing "dc.settings" in the cheats console or clicking on your Sim and going VictorAndrade -> Direct Controls, the following menu is presented:


The mod is currently localized for the following languages:

If you would like to help me localize this mod, download VictorAndrade_DirectControls_Strings_EN_US.xml, translate the strings to your language, and post your translation here. If your translation is good enough, I'll definitely add it to the mod.

Occult Milestones

Occult Milestones

15 Feb 2024

I've been playing with occults and I found that they lack some milestones that I wanted to have in my game. Therefore, I just created them because I could.

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