Merfolk Cove Lot Trait
Do you have Island Living but can’t find any mermaids anywhere in Sulani? It’s because they’re hiding from you! Well, they don’t hide from you in a Merfolk Cove! Just set any beach in Sulani or elsewhere with this Merfolk Cove lot trait and the merfolk will gather in droves… and you’ll see them in their full mer-glory! Not only that, but once you visit a Merfolk Cove, the merfolk will learn to trust your Sim and they will be able to see the merfolk anywhere from then on. Pretty cool, huh?
Here are the features currently included in this lot trait mod:
- Every four hours throughout the day, five or more merfolk will appear on the beach and probably start swimming around or come talk to your Sim.
- Most Sims will receive the same buff upon entering the cove except Sims who are merfolk themselves for whom there is an alternate buff.
- When the merfolk appear, there will be new buffs for all Sims.
- After visiting a Merfolk Cove, your Sim becomes trusted by all the merfolk and will from now on see all mermaids in their natural mer-forms in the ocean.
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