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Functional car / Ride Cars Mod  

Upload: 19 Apr 2022, 09:28
Created by: ferdiana [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Functional car / Ride Cars Mod

This mod adds 2 functional cars with new animation and custom sound! The mod does not require the "To the University" add-on, it is compatible with the base game.

Life Style Tweak

Life Style Tweak

23 Mar 2022

This mod weaks lifestyles so that they are less annoying and more varied. It consists of several modules that can be combined just as you wish.

Yellow Happiness

Yellow Happiness

17 Mar 2023

What does the mod do: Swaps the colors of the Happy and Embarrassed emotions, so happiness will be yellow, which just feels right to me. I think Embarrassed also works quite well with green.

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