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Rejection Letter from University Possible!  

Upload: 01 May 2022, 09:50
Created by: ilkavelle [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Rejection Letter from University Possible!

How it works?

Will you get acceptance or rejection letter? - the result is based on several factors:

1) grades at school - if you were bad student with low grades during your school life - it's more possible you will get rejected from university, at least with the first try (or always). So F and D make increase chances to get rejected. And A and B increase the chances to be accepted.

2) traits - there are certain traits that increase the chance of getting acceptance or rejection letter:

You have more chance to get to university with traits:

  • Genius - if you are Genius - you will always be accepted now

  • Bookworm

  • Perfectionist

  • Ambitious

  • Creative

You have more chance to get rejection letter with traits:

  • Goofball

  • Clumsy

  • Lazy

3) Skills - I took into consideration 3 skills that I consider as basic ones in real life : Charisma, Logic, Writing

  • If you have level 0-1 of those skills - you have bigger chance to get rejection letter.

  • If you have level 2-4 - you have more chances to get accepted.

  • If you have level 5-10 of at least one of those skills - you should always get acceptation letter (added in v3).

It can happen that if you don't have any boosters mentioned above - you will get rejected at first. Don't worry, if you want to be accepted, just try apply again after some time. But see first if there is anything you can improve - like for example skills.

When I tested it, I had for example Sim that finished High Shool with F. He got rejection letter. When I incresed his skills to level 4 (Charisma, Logic, Writing) - he got accepted then. So now even being the worst school student should not exclude you from university forever - if only you work on skills.

I think now it's more balanced. But if you still find it too easy or too rigorous, let me know.

Requires The Sims 4 Base Game and Discover University EP!

Playable Harp Mod 64.07 MB

Playable Harp Mod

09 May 2023
1 146

This new mod adds a harp skill, with custom like and dislike, and the ability to write and license songs! Play Classical, Folk, Medieval, and Romantic music, or write your own tunes. Two low-poly objects included, 5 swatches, and custom audio files for every stage of this 10-level skill.

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