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Two-Week Long Manicures  

Upload: 01 May 2022, 17:21
Created by: simularity [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Two-Week Long Manicures

I think that the manicures that were added to the Spa Day GP refresh were a fantastic addition by the Maxis team. I just don’t think that having said manicures last only two days was such a great idea. Maybe if I” had that high-maintenance trait… but I’m a very low maintenance type of gal. So, I when I actually get around to getting my Sim out of the house for a manicure, I want it to last a long while. The seasons in my game are usually two weeks long so I made my manicures last a whole season. Seems appropriate to me. So, here you go. Two-week long manicures for all!

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The Spellbook Injector

24 Mar 2022
1 345

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WooHoo Lover

17 Apr 2022

Sometimes your character's life goal becomes "Serial Romantic" or do you just want to play a very loving character in the story? Then it will be much easier to do this with the help of a new character trait - characters with a high level of libido cannot imagine their life without sexual

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