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Simdeed Recruitment Services (over 20 careers)  

Upload: 04 May 2022, 07:20
Created by: midnitetech [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Simdeed Recruitment Services (over 20 careers)

How difficult it is sometimes to find a job! And the main thing is that it suits both your skills and your interests, of course. But do not worry, because the Recruitment Service will come to your aid! Give us a call and we'll find a job for you! The main thing is not to be late, especially if you want to become an emergency worker!

- Mod consists technically of one career with 20 different specialties.
- To choose a profession, you need to go to the phone and select the item get a job and get a career in the recruitment service, after which you will open the first stage of the "applicant" career (this is supposedly an interview that you are going through)

After you have passed the interview at 8 am you are offered a job to choose from:
- Accounting
- Animal care worker
- Auto mechanic
- Banking
- Programmer
- Veterinarian
- Dentist
- Military
- Account manager
- Realtor
- Teacher
- Librarian
- Emergency worker
- Electrician
- Plumber
- Farmer
- Catering worker
- Graphic designer
- Pharmacist
- Lawyer

Each career has three levels.

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