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My Wedding Nightmare Fixes  

Upload: 07 May 2022, 06:22
Created by: Zero [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Only one actually, because I don't have the pack but the buffs were added in the base game, I can use those to force the outfit change, and it's a rather simple fix:

Force Guests to Change into Formal Attire << SHOULDN'T BE REQUIRED ANYMORE, STAYS AS BACKUP

Does what it says. Sims will not appear in their formal attire on loading the lot but they'll change right away, works only on NPCs or with autonomy on, doesn't work with the attire you pick from the UI, I don't have access to those files, but they'll at least change into formal. It also prevents them from leaving the ceremony right away. 

This is to remove if Maxis will ever fix the feature. 

Ok, I got the fecking pack... it's so broken that it was just too tempting...

Here is the second one:

Guests Gathering and Autonomy Tweaks << NOT REQUIRED ANYMORE, STAYS AS BACKUP

I went in and edited some of the "Gather for..." interactions, so NOW the guests shoud at least be more likely to gather for the dance (there is a duplicated interaction if you click on the dance floor, because maxis gave them the same name, one is supposed to gather sims for the dance around the dance floor and one around the stereo, and that's what they do now, to distinguish between the two I added some text) for the cake and so on...

I also removed the "Social as Backup" buff from some roles, so they should be more focused on watching the dance and the ceremony than talking with each other now, and blocked the autonomy to play instruments and bartending on all the roles, since first thing the arseholes did in my testing was running for the guitar and the bar. 


Fixes the throw bouquet to interaction that wasn't appearing AT ALL for anyone in my testing. 

Broadcasters Tweaks 

Increases the power and radius of all broadcasters... clearly the NPC wave goodbye has a radius of 50 and the wedding dance a radius of 6... CLEARLY!!

Yellow Happiness

Yellow Happiness

17 Mar 2023

What does the mod do: Swaps the colors of the Happy and Embarrassed emotions, so happiness will be yellow, which just feels right to me. I think Embarrassed also works quite well with green.

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