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Don’t Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop  

Upload: 24 Mar 2022, 11:37
Created by: scumbumbo [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Don’t Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop

This mod allows you to set individual sinks on any lot to enable or disable dish washing at that sink. Since it uses a script to setup the object states for the sinks, it should be compatible with any sinks in the game (even from expansion packs I don't have).

After installation, the default for sinks on all lots will be to NOT allow dishes to be washed at that sink (UPDATE: there is now a Default Enabled version for download). Simply click on any sink and choose Enable Dish Washing to allow Sims to wash dishes at that sink. The setting is saved along with the save game as it uses a standard object state to remember the setting.

I chose this approach for this mod as I often use what would typically be considered a "kitchen" sink on cabinets in a bathroom, and sometimes vice-versa. Instead, the player is allowed to select what sinks should be used. Again, the default is to not allow dish washing. If no sinks are enabled on a lot, Sims will instead simply throw away the dishes in the trash.

Note for users of SCAM:
Autonomy must be on for the dish washing interactions on the sink in order for this to work. If you wish to turn off autonomy for dish washing, turn off the clean autonomy on the dishes themselves. Turning off dish washing autonomy on the sink will make Sims unable to find an appropriate sink that you have enabled for dish washing.

Removing the mod will return sink behavior to normal and allow Sims to wash dishes at any sink.

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