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Hot Kiss Animation / Carry and Kiss new animation interaction mod  

Upload: 25 Jun 2022, 18:00
Created by: Khlas [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Hot Kiss Animation / Carry and Kiss new animation interaction mod

Your characters are in love and want to express the passion of emotions in all their palette, but the game cannot boast of a variety of kisses. How about a hot, passionate kiss like your Sims haven't seen yet?!

- This mod adds a new hot kiss romantic interaction.
- For the interaction to appear, your characters must already have their first kiss with each other.
- The animation is very high quality and will please the eye! You can see it on the author's page. She matches perfectly with EA's animations and doesn't have any weird glitches or teleporting moves.
- Also, it will not work autonomously for other NPCs.

The animation blend perfectly with Maxis system, and have no weird hiccup or teleporting movement.

For interaction tuning, I have to thanks others creators that helped me a lot to set the tuning correctly. (thepancake1 (panckie), PandaSama, Mercuryfoam, Mizore, lot51...)

So how does the interaction works?

You need to have two sims in a romantic relationship (probably a 50 romance bar at least), and they need to have done their first kiss.

The interaction can have some issues if another sim try to ask an autograph or something to your sim. I'm still learning how tuning works so I tried to fix it a bit but it still happen.

The tongue may appear weirdly at the beginning of the animation, but it happens in rare case and it fix itself. I will try to fix it a bit more later but it's not really noticeable and game breaking since as I said, it only happen in rare case and it disappear in 1 second.

This is for testing, reporting issues is appreciated. Also the animation has IK chain target applied, which means that it should not clip or floating that much with sims unless you use broken CC part.

This animation is SFW but NSFW compatible, which mean that NSFW part are all animated if your sims are nude and aroused. The pectoral are also animated and the butt too (but this will need my custom rig that will be included in WW in the future).

You don't need WW to make the tongue appear and work during the animation. The rig you use does not matter.

This animation shouldn't be played autonomously and due to its long animation nature, shouldn't be used with random townies you can't have any control for. I desactivated all of this. But please report if this is still happening. This is an issue if it's happening, since it could be very annoying if random sims start this animation and lock them preventing them to do anything else.

How to install :

Just put both my .package mod "khlas_carryup_animation_interaction_wip_v1.0" or "khlas_carryup_animation_interaction_wip_v1.0_notongue" or "khlas_carryup_animation_interaction_wip_v1.0_WWCompatible" and the xml injector script into your sims 4 Mods folder. 

The "khlas_carryup_animation_interaction_wip_v1.0_WWCompatible" should be installed if you want the tongue to show up and if you have WickedWhims installed. The base version have an issue where the feature to hide the tongue from wickedwhims does not appear so please install this one.

Do not install both normal and notongue versions, use only one!

This animation will also be included in my WW package in a future update for people that don't bother about romance/gameplay, as a standing teasing animation.

Requires the XML Injector


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