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Ami’s Catalog Overhaul - Pack Icon Hider (20.01.2024)  

Upload: 23 Jan 2024, 11:12
Created by: AmiCurl [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Ami’s Catalog Overhaul - Pack Icon Hider (20.01.2024)

Updated for Goth Galore and Castle Estate Kits! 🏰🧛‍♀️

Are you an insufferable perfectionist? Does having different colored icons in your object catalog drive you nuts? Do your eyes get more confused with every new pack you get?

Oh boy, do I have a treat in store for you!

The Pack Icon Hider™ does exactly what you would expect - it hides all the pack icons from the thumbnails, both in buy mode and in CAS. It does not hide any items, just makes it easier on the eye - you can still sort by pack in the filter.

This lovely idea was originally by tucatuc and can be found here, but they stopped updating a while ago so I took it into my own hands to update it, and will (hopefully) continue to update this tiny mod with every new pack that comes out.

Veterinary Technician Career 1 MB

Veterinary Technician Career

17 Jun 2022

Has your character always dreamed of working with animals, treating them, caring for them, and just socializing? Then this job is for you! Of course, there is already an open career from EA, but if you don’t want to run to work with a character.

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