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Juice Blender  

Upload: 15 May 2022, 12:22
Created by: plasticbox [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Juice Blender

This is a functional juice blender that sims can use to make juice from apples, pears, carrots, tomatos, blackberries, grapes, or oranges.

IMPORTANT: Craftables Enabler script required !

The blender has various options:

  • Blend Juice ‒ for a single glass
  • Serve Juice ‒ for a pitcher
  • Clean/Repair like on the tea machine; Upgrade is (partly) changed to have custom strings

All juices require ingredients -- one fruit/vegetable for a single serving, six for a group serving. Ingredients are taken either from the sim or the fridge inventory (stuff in the fridge comes first). The better the ingredients are, the better the juice; but I’ve tuned it so that sims will drink “Okay” quality juice without making faces and ewwww-bleh noises (i.e. Okay actually means Okay, not “tastes like puddle”).


Blender and juices speak the following languages: US English (pbox), Simplified Chinese (wuccwzt), Traditional Chinese (egureh), Czech (Rynka_CS), Dutch (ElenaInTheSims), French (PharaohHound/Damabiah/MiniMimi), German (pbox), Italian (Ele88), European Portuguese (azoresman/simshout), Brazilian Portuguese (matheusmm94), Norwegian (therbon), Polish (hubi98), Russian (thesimsclub), Spanish (gato_24). Thank you all!

The additional orange juice has Engish, German, Dutch, Norwegian and French (I hope I got those right -- I learned all my Dutch from Sinaasappelsap packages!), as well as Chinese (egureh), Italian (ele88), Polish (Piesek64), and Czech (Rynka_CS).

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