Instant Upgrades for beds, showers, stoves, rocketship, simray...
I'm so tired to raise the handiness skill and upgrade the beds and showers every time after moving to a new house. So I made this mod to help me do the upgrades.

Better Farm Animals (Out in Rain)
Do you ever get frustrated that the animals run to their barn or coop when it starts to rain? I do! Sims 4 Cottage Living farm animals will go inside during Heavy Rain/Snow and Storms. But, for the Sims, heavy rain isn't all that heavy!

Active Cosmetology Mod (20.03.2024)
An active career as a make-up artist-hairdresser has become vital after the release of the Path to Glory expansion! And here she is in front of you! Get your makeup chair now and start earning simoleons with your beauty and beauty cravings!

Mystic Trait
Mystic Trait: Mystic sims are more in tune with nature and the energies around them. These sims tend to be calm and balanced, but can occasionally get lost in their own thoughts. This trait is located in the Lifestyle Category.