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Instant Upgrades for beds, showers, stoves, rocketship, simray...  

Upload: 06 May 2022, 07:33
Created by: ShuSanR [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Instant Upgrades for beds, showers, stoves, rocketship, simray...

I'm so tired to raise the handiness skill and upgrade the beds and showers every time after moving to a new house.

So I made this mod to help me do the upgrades.

New Interaction.

With one payment, all the upgrades would be done.

No skill level required.

No upgrade parts required.

No upgrade animation.

BGC, the eco-lifestyle upgrades are not included.

It won't conflict with the original upgrade interactions.

Most of the instant upgrade services charge 400 simoleons, but the Microscopes & Telescopes instant upgrade services charge 600 simoleons instead.

With this mod, you can purchase a rocket ship instantly and upgrade the rocket ship to the highest level in seconds by paying 16800 simoleons total.

>Compatible Objects<

Bed, toilet, sink, stove, microwave, fridge, TV, stereo, computer, dishwasher, microscope, telescope, rocket ship,fireplace, vacuum, robot vacuum, coop, laundry dryer, laundry washing machine, weather controller

GTW: SimRay (no career level required, 1200 simoleons for all the upgrades)

Requires the XML Injector


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Heavily Charged 15.7 KB

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1 066

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1 093

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