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Buy More Phone  

Upload: 23 Mar 2022, 18:06
Created by: deichschaf [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Edits the buy gift option of your Sims phone to include all fruits, vegetables and herbs, several fishes, species, spice, flowers, insects, honey, wellness treat, laptops, bikes, beach towels, jungle equipment, university homework, pet eqipment and other stuff.

Especially helpful for: vacation, jungle, sick pets, active work as a Scientist, and much more.

Traits Remade In CAS v1.2

Traits Remade In CAS v1.2

03 Sep 2022
2 102

A traits pack of remaking 50+ in-game store/ reward traits in CAS. This is similar to ATICAS but I only keep those with actual gameplay effects that can be remade and add whims to make them more meaningful as CAS Traits.

Whimsical Aspiration 9.0 KB

Whimsical Aspiration

05 Jul 2022

This custom aspiration allows your sims to gain extra reward points for completing whims! It focuses entirely on completing lots of whims from your sims, a total of 200 to complete the aspiration. This is good for players that like to use the whims system or play whimacy style.

Sleep All Night Outdated

Sleep All Night

05 Jun 2022
1 016

This mod does not force Sims to sleep! There are numerous events that will wake a Sim up. All Sims have a scheduled hour when they wake up naturally regardless of this buff timer.

More Retail Employees v1.3 / v1.35 4.7 KB

More Retail Employees v1.3 / v1.35

03 Apr 2022
1 057

Absolute first mod here, I've been toying with mods from others and talking with them and one of those was LittleMsSam with her retail overhaul mod and testing for it. And the idea came to me, why can we just have 3 employees? That's awfully low for mid-large retails.

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