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Death By Terror Mod v1.2.3 (DBT)  

Upload: 05 Jun 2022, 05:11
Created by: LeRoiDeTout [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.2.3
Death By Terror Mod v1.2.3 (DBT)

A Base Game Compatible mod which adds a new emotional death: Death By Fright.

This mod was created to fill the gap of, in my opinion, a proper death by fright. Because of that, it mirrors the other emotional deaths in game.

Note that Brave Sims cannot die from this and will be largely immune from the affects of this mod.

We all know that a new emotion was added to the game - fear, but how disappointed I was that you can’t die from fear. But here, as always, modders came to the rescue. So, meet a new kind of emotional death - from fright.


I am always more than willing to accept translations!


  • New death type (Death by Fright) & corresponding ghost trait
  • New buffs to mirror how the other emotional traits work
  • Sims who died from fright will randomly be reminded of the terror they suffered in life
  • They may also cause panic in Sims around them, including pets
  • Brave Sims will be immune to this type of death and will be unaffected by these ghosts
  • The mod will make sure it's installed correctly: since it's a script mod that requires a package file, if either are missing (or scripts are disabled), an appropriate message will be displayed warning you something is wrong.
  • (New in Version 1.1.0) A Warning System when Sims are on the track to dying
  • (New in Version 1.1.0) A new "Calm Self Down" self-interaction when Sims are Terrified. This interaction is by default autonomous, but you can disable it for maximum fear.
  • (New in Version 1.1.0) Sims who died from Fright will have access to a Terrorize interaction. This interaction scares the target Sim and causes them to pee themselves. Both the Ghost Sim who did the interaction as well as the victim will get moodlets.
  • (New in Version 1.1.0) The ability to control most aspects of the mod through a Settings Menu which can be accessed from a Sim or the Helping Hand object (from the Paranormal Stuff Pack).


Below is the list of settings for this mod. Each > represents a step in the menu path.

  • Fear Settings > NPC Settings > Allow NPC Deaths
  • Fear Settings > NPC Settings > Service Sim Deaths
  • Fear Settings > NPC Settings > Ignored Service Sims
  • Fear Settings > Terror Rate
  • Fear Settings > Calm Self Down Interaction Timeout
  • Fear Settings > Panicking Effect Rate
  • Fear Settings > Calmed Self Down Effect Rate
  • Fear Settings > Autonomous Calm Self Down
  • Menu Settings > Settings Menu
  • Notification Settings > Welcome Notification
  • Notification Settings > Fear Lesson Notification


  • This mod is a script mod and does not override any in-game tuning
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