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Trait - Bulimia Nervosa  

Upload: 05 Jun 2022, 12:22
Created by: Notorious Rose [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Trait - Bulimia Nervosa

This character trait adds a new eating disorder - bulimia. A character with this trait has their own special whims and moodlets. New social interactions - you can admit that the character has bulimia, as well as make a joke on the topic of RPP.

Russian translation from luluuluru : Download

Happy Emotional Mindfulness

Happy Emotional Mindfulness

23 Mar 2022

Changes the emotional mindfulness moodlet from +4 fine to +2 happy. With the alternate version of the mod, your Sims motives will also not decay as slowly as tuned by EA. Only install one verison.

Male Pregnancy Trait 491.1 KB

Male Pregnancy Trait

05 May 2022
1 721

I've always felt the male pregnancy experience in the Sims 4 could be improved so this is my attempt at making the gameplay a little more challenging and unique. I've approached it from the standpoint of an advanced medical procedure that a male Sim has chosen to undergo.

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