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Heavily Charged  

Upload: 13 Jun 2022, 13:46
Created by: Onebeld [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Heavily Charged

This mod adds a new trait - "Heavily Charged". With this trait, you can shoot lightning at any distance and enable various effects (sparks and glow of the eyes).

How do I get it?
This trait is intended to expand the gameplay, get an incentive to get this trait. It is not sold in the Reward Shop. You have to try hard to get this trait. So, you need to get one of these traits first - Storm Chaser or Erratic. This is required to unlock the Hypercharged buff. Then strike the Sim with lightning three times. Why exactly three?

1. The first time you get a charged buff;
2. Second time you get the Hypercharged buff, but don't get this trait;
3. The third time, if the action of the necessary buff does not end, this trait will open to you.

In future versions, most likely, the possibilities will be expanded.

1. The ability to shoot lightning at an unlimited distance. This new action comes with this trait. The old remains the old.
2. Shoot lightning bolts at sims and objects
WARNING: This interaction is too powerful. It allows you to kill your Sims. Use it at your own risk!
3. Change the display of effects from a trait
4. The most important thing is to feel like Zeus!

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Mafia Career

14 May 2022
3 162

Your Sims can join the mafia family that this closed career adds. There are 6 levels in total, from henchman to mafia boss. Daily tasks and career advancement are guaranteed.

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Wedding Party Outfit Fix

23 Mar 2022

Your Sims will automatically wear formal wear at wedding and pre wedding partys. For family gathering, there's also an alternate version available where they'll choose party wear. Bach parties remain untouched as they are already set to the appropriate party wear.

"Cute" Trait

"Cute" Trait

29 Jun 2022

A trait in the Social category, Baby to Elder. "This sim has good social skills and makes others happy." My first try at this, so I hope it's alright! (If you have ideas for improvements/additions let me know)

Traits Overhaul

Traits Overhaul

04 Jun 2022

Do you feel that traits from the base game don't have much of an effect on emotions other than a random mood? This mod has more effect on traits.

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