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Adult Work Enterprises - Pornography Career 2.7.1 

Upload: 09 Jul 2023, 08:34
Last updated: 28-01-2025, 09:16
Created by: Jughandle [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Updated + Description changed + Added modified Version - 28-01-2025, 09:16 » [Aqxaro]
Adult Work Enterprises - Pornography Career 2.7.1

This is a full-time career for Young Adult through Elder Sims. It is designed to have professional-style working hours with them being during the day and not on weekends. Kleptomaniac sims will see a benefit to the items they can bring home. There is only one track for this career. As of version 1.3.0, there is also a Production career that has work from home assignments. Sims who have reached level 5 of the Acting career can sign up to receive gifts in the mail. Starting with version 2.0.0, Sims at career level 5 or higher can go to a lot of type "AWE Porn Studio" for an active career. You will need to assign this lot type to a lot in the world, to be able to use the Active career functionality. The career info PDF included in the download will always have the most information in one place. It is best to keep everything inside of the AWE folder when installing.

Sims with the Sexually Abstinent or Fears Nudity traits cannot join the career. Sims will need to gain skill points in Photography, Charisma, Naturism or Exhibitionism, and Acting. Certain levels will require a certain level of fame in order to get a promotion. See the documentation in the download file for more information.

The mod has been played and tested with version 1.103.250

Current Scenes at Studio:

  • Repairman
  • Athlete
  • Doctor
  • Special Delivery

Current Events Outside Studio:

  • Fan Meet & Greet
  • Fuck a Fan
  • Streaming

Make sure to delete AWE-PornRabbitHole if updating from an earlier version to avoid conflicts.

Required: XML Injector is required. You can get it from Scumbumbo's website or Curseforge. Another requirement is Lot 51 Core Library.  Also, WickedWhims is required. The Acting skill from the Get Famous expansion pack is used in this mod. The Active Career will require Get to Work and a venue list. Either Zerbu's venue list found here or Basemental's venue list found here.

Recommended: Fashion Authority, CinErotique, and Big Dick Problems to get the fullest experience.

AWE Teen-Edition - With this mod your Teen can take the AWE Career aswell (modified by PLGDante)

What's New in Version 2.1.0

  • The $100 fee to cancel a Fan Membership has been removed.
  • The mod's first milestone for those who have the Growing Together Expansion Pack.
  • A lot trait to attract famous AWE Actors to a public lot.
Harder Witchcraft 29 KB

Harder Witchcraft NSFW

14 May 2022

This is a collection of various mods to make witches less overpowered I've been using in my game for a while. It adds a new bloodline trait (bloodline none) that gains half xp, and builds more charge.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. s
    spacemutt [Guests]
    8 November 2023 15:21

    You can choose it from a computer on the lot

  2. M
    Miah [Guests]
    26 August 2023 19:48

    Hey, I downloaded it and arrived at the moment where it can finally be an active career (you have to get to the fifth step of the career for that btw), but one task keep coming back and I don't get how to achieve it.. it's called "pick a scene to shoot".

    I tried to click on my Sim, on the director, on my co stars, on the mandatory items for the AWE Studio (toilets, sink..). I even used the debug objects that mark a scene when u're an actor.. I don't get it, please help me :')

    Thank you very much! Have a good one :)

    1. PLGDante
      PLGDante [Moderator]
      26 August 2023 19:56

      I will have a look later. Maybe i can figure it out how this works

    2. s
      spacemutt [Guests]
      8 November 2023 15:21

      You can choose it from a computer on the lot