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"Cute" Trait  

Upload: 29 Jun 2022, 09:38
Created by: Alifya [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
"Cute" Trait

A trait in the Social category, Baby to Elder. "This sim has good social skills and makes others happy."
My first try at this, so I hope it's alright! (If you have ideas for improvements/additions let me know)


  • A set of relevant seeming whims from the game.
  • Social skill increases at 125%
  • Cute sim can "Say Something Cute"
  • Broadcaster buffs that unlock social interaction "Tell [Sim] how cute they are.":
  • Fuzzy Feeling ("Oh they're so cute!) (+2 Happiness)
  • Heart Melting ("So much cuteness! How is it possible?!") (+4 Happiness)
  • 1x buff for the Cute sim that increases confidence: Feelin' Really Cute ("New levels of cute have been reached.")
  • This buff may give whims to take a selfie or admire self in mirror, and increases social skills.
  • This buff also broadcasts the buff Heart Melting.

One thing I missed is a custom animation when you're picking the trait in CAS, hopefully I'll figure out how to do that.

Additional Credits:
Made using the Mod Constructor by Zerbu.
Many thanks for these translations:
French by Seyjin
Chinese by Maturu (also available here
German by kosynosy
Dutch by Jipski
Finnish by chiringo
Russian by Sparkswormwood
Czech by Pata666

If you're interested in translating, you can send me the translated list below and I can add it to the trait:
(Note: to show he or she, the code is {M0.he}{F0.she} - and the he and she in brackets would be translated)
1. Cute
2. Aw, so cute. This sim has good social skills and makes others happy.
3. From Cute Trait
4. From Being Around Cute Sim
5. Oh they're so cute!
6. Fuzzy Feeling
7. From Being Called Cute
8. Tell {1.SimFirstName} How Cute They Are
- ({1.SimFirstName} stays the same)
9. Listen to Compliment
10. New levels of cute have been reached.
11. Feelin' Really Cute
12. From Feelin' Really Cute
13. From Being Around a Very Cute Sim
14. So much cuteness! How is it possible?!
15. Heart Melting
16. Say Something Cute
17. Listen to Something Cute

iBots Mod 221.6 kB

iBots Mod

06 May 2022
2 469

These robots are smart and organized; giving you more control over what happens to them. They have all new features and everything can be done with just the base game! You can either program iBots yourself, or people can learn how to program them.

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