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Health System Overhaul-Illnesses, Blood Types, Dieting, and more! V2  

Upload: 02 Jul 2022, 11:07
Created by: shiningmoonmods [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Health System Overhaul-Illnesses, Blood Types, Dieting, and more! V2

Hewwo!! Moon here back with another mod. This is a very cool mod that I have wanted to make for a while.. however I never had the courage to.. basically I just did this because I have way more courage now. I felt brave enough to make this mod. Anyways this mod brings a more realistic health system to the sims 4 game. I hope you enjoy! WHAT IS NEW IN V2?

  • Improved the illness system. Removed all the mental illnesses, because they were controversial.

Anyways there are three brand new categories in the actions tab on the currently selected Sim. These options are:

  • The option to give your Sims a menstrual cycle, complete with all four phases of the human menstrual cycle irl.
  • More illnesses of various severity and symptoms, plus some are contagious. These are also illnesses you can get irl.
  • The option to give your Sim a blood type and/or blood disorder.

Anyways let’s start with the menstrual cycle. 

  • Firstly, the follicular phase. This phase does nothing really.. 
  • Second, the fertile window. In this phase, your Sim will have a x2 chance of getting pregnant.
  • Thirdly, the ovulation phase/luteal phase. This is when your sim’s period is nearing. They will have symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, along with cervical mucus.
  • Last but definitely least, is the period phase. This also has an influx of symptoms such as headaches, cramps, and sweet cravings. 

Please note it does not change phases on its own, you have to do that physically. If you don’t want your sim to get their period, then either remove this module or don’t click any of the options. Illnesses:Illnesses are now divided into six categories, with a combination of physical and mental illnesses. The categories/illnesses are:

  • Mild illnesses: Influenza, Stomach Flu, Common Cold
  • Chronic illnesses: Insomnia, Asthma, Epilepsy
  • Cancer: Lung, Bone, Stomach, Brain, Leukemia.

Blood Types:Your Sims can now have blood types! I redid this mod because I wasn’t happy that the first one took up a trait slot. Blood types are divided into two categories. There is:RH Positive and RH NegativeBoth of them are A, B, O, and AB, the RH factor determines whether positive or negative.I also added some blood disorders, there is currently four of them in the game.

  • Diabetes
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Blood Clots
  • Anemia 

Russian translation by allodola : Download (simfileshare)

Cooking Competition Event

Cooking Competition Event

09 Jul 2022
1 126

Create a cooking event/competition! This is a simple event: you choose your Sims and other Sims as competitors and choose at least one judge. This is a grand event where you cook the food displayed under the goals.

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