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Default replacement of grass and flowers  

Upload: 04 Jul 2022, 12:26
Created by: alectorcc [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Default replacement of grass and flowers

Retexturing the basegame grass clumps was probably the first mod I made for myself in Sims 4. The original textures made me a firm believer this game was supposed to be a mobile game.

Amusement Park Lot Trait

Amusement Park Lot Trait

13 Jun 2022

This new lot trait will allow you to create your own Amusement Park in your game. There are other custom content creators on this theme, you can easily finds items to create your own park.

Improved Relationships 29 KB

Improved Relationships

31 Mar 2022
1 445

The mod will add a new flexible system of buffs and moodlets to the game, depending on the relationship your characters are in! For example, nearby lovers will feel a little different than characters who are in a couple.

Archery Skill Updated: 7-07-2023, 12:42 46.84 MB

Archery Skill

07 May 2023
1 247

Sul sul! This mod adds an archery skill to the game. It comes with 5 kinds of bows, 5 kinds of arrows, and 2 kinds of targets, each available in 3 distances. All objects are low-poly and have multiple swatches. Equip a bow or arrow by moving it into your Sim's inventory and clicking on it.

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