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Animated SpiralStaircase Mod  

Upload: 17 Apr 2022, 18:10
Created by: AlexCroft [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Animated SpiralStaircase Mod

How long have we been waiting for this much needed mod, and finally it happened!!! This is truly a real salvation not only for builders, but also for players!

- Now your Sims will be able to walk up and down the spiral staircase normally, which takes up much less space than a regular one, so it will fit perfectly into a small house.
- The animation is generally quite pleasant, with the exception of minor blots. You can see the demonstration in the video.
- Stairs can only be placed in rooms with low wall heights.
- You can find the stairs in build mode in the category Decoration - Other
-  Installation: Place the staircase itself first, go up one floor, then center it with an object called the top of the stairs. And that's it, it's ready to use!

Have a good run up the stairs to your characters, just don't roll down head over heels!

Requires the World of Magic Playset
Known Issue: The object is currently powered by a magical portal, so if you place more than 1 spiral staircase on the lot, the character will move through them.

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23 Mar 2022

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