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Mod Décorateur  

Upload: 05 Jul 2022, 09:19
Created by: Grumpy
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Mod Décorateur

Your passion is interior design and you want your hobby to generate income? Then this job is just for you! Listen carefully to your bosses and clients, but only remain neutral when talking about their houses or apartments! Soon you will be promoted, and you will have your own office! Create and organize the most beautiful and inspiring projects!

8 career stages await you:
1. Surface Measurement and Floor Plan Intern at M.A.T.
2. Interior Designer Assistant at Reno
3. Interior Designer for Santiago Aran, a well-known real estate agent in Los Angeles
4 .Interior designer responsible for concept stores in Paris
5. Interior designer project assistant at KARE
6. Interior design project manager at KARE
7. World renowned interior designer at Bjarko Ingels.
8. Interior Designer with Private Office

- A new social event will be available where you can meet with clients and discuss their wishes for the design of their home or apartment.
- New interactions related to the work of the designer are available on the computer.
- New furnishing items related to career and office arrangement.
- Career works like a "rabbit hole"

Requires the XML Injector

Russian translation by Olovos : Download (GD)

Immortal Trait with Sadness Buff 5.3 KB

Immortal Trait with Sadness Buff

10 Jul 2022

This trait doesn't affect any relationship gains, career promotions, skill gains, etc. It simply makes your Sim immortal and gives a random sadness buff. The buff doesn't affect anything any more or less than any other buff in the game when it comes to interactions.

ALL In-Game Objects Are Upgraded

ALL In-Game Objects Are Upgraded

25 Jul 2023
1 808

All upgrades are completed, all Eco Lifestyle upgrades as well, except the Composting Container upgrade that may causing toilets to catch fire and Self-Cleaning, Clean Coat upgrades, because I like if sims are cleaning.

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