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Immortal Trait with Sadness Buff  

Upload: 10 Jul 2022, 18:54
Created by: Splendiferous [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Immortal Trait with Sadness Buff

Your sim will not age or die with this trait! They will be truly immortal. It's available for Young Adult through Elder stages.

It does come with one disadvantage. Your sim will randomly become sad and question their life's meaning. After all, with being eternal and watching their loved ones age and die, again and again, it's normal to question the meaning of life.

How the Trait and Buff Work -
This trait doesn't affect any relationship gains, career promotions, skill gains, etc. It simply makes your Sim immortal and gives a random sadness buff. The buff doesn't affect anything any more or less than any other buff in the game when it comes to interactions. They can still use 'Cry It Out' and other methods to reduce the time limit like the other sadness buffs.

Trait Category -

Buff Amount and Duration -
+2 for 4 Hours

Translations -
French by MaiaGame
Russian translation by AnnieHugss : Download

Sim Lotto Mod

Sim Lotto Mod

10 Jul 2022

This mod allows sims to purchase SimLotto lottery tickets on any of the computers included in the game. The payout rate is higher than a normal lottery to make things a bit more fun, but the odds are fairly balanced and not just a money cheat.

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