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Phone Background Override (World-Themed)  

Upload: 09 May 2023, 12:54
Created by: Jackpot [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Phone Background Override (World-Themed)

This mod - as the title indicates - overrides the EA-Phone Background from Base Game with new custom ones.

They are all pictures from different parts of Sims 4 worlds and come in three different variations:

a) with a complete phone overlay (battery, time, etc.)
b) with a phone overlay without time and date
c) just the picture without any phone overlay


  • Base Game

Choose first a world file (1, 2 or 3), download it, unzip the file and then choose the variant you want (a, b or c). Put the ONE you want in your Sim 4 mods folder and delete the other two.

Criminal Career Fix

Criminal Career Fix

22 Mar 2022
1 107

Tweaks the criminal career to make it easier to detect a criminal. The criminal can now be identified by special idle animations he/she performs. Also, no more hidden decoy Sims will be created that lead to false convictions (and afterwards fill your save with unneeded, ugly Sims).

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