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Spoiled Trait  

Upload: 02 Jul 2022, 10:55
Created by: YourFalseHope [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Spoiled Trait

This character trait is available to characters from teenagers and older. Now you can play out the finicky and spoiledness of some characters in a particularly realistic way! To do this, the author of the mod added interesting moodlets and interactions to the game, allowing your especially capricious and self-centered characters to demand even more attention, throw a tantrum or experience a nervous breakdown. Some simply do not want to hear the word "no" and believe that they always deserve all the best, even at someone else's expense!

  • Spoiled: Create-A-Sim Lifestyle trait for Teens to Elders
  • [Friendly] Complain about Not Getting Way
  • Occasional Feeling Ignored Moodlet
  • Emotional Meltdown Moodlet when Sim Throws Tantrum or Cries (Interactions from Parenthood related to Uncontrolled Emotions Trait for Young Adult and Older - Teens can do these things without the parenthood trait.)
  • Embarrassed Now What? Moodlet for Sims around the Spoiled Sim when they have an Emotional Meltdown
  • Autonomy modifiers: Jealous, Uncontrolled Emotions, & Self-Absorbed

Russian translation by LK (Liliya_Kim) : Download

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