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TARDIS Adventures Sims 4  

Upload: 09 Jul 2022, 08:43
Created by: Pixara [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
TARDIS Adventures Sims 4

Yes, it is an actual TARDIS. Travel on lots and through time and space. Be nice to your TARDIS, refuel it from time to time and maintain a solid relationship. Raise your TARDIS Engineering Skill to unlock more possibilities with your ship. Construct more rooms, costumize lights and even the Chameleon Circuit (Level 10).

TARDIS as a living object
Just an object? Ugh! The TARDIS is a living being, just like the TARDIS in my mod. Keep in touch and be kind to your TARDIS.

How to get a tardis?
First of all, you need to get the TARDIS. Use the telescope and select the "track unknown flying object" interaction. If you're lucky, your Sim will track the TARDIS. He will then receive a phone call from the police station. Pick up the phone and the TARDIS will track your location. You will have to wait a few days to track down the TARDIS again after you have already obtained it.

To "tame" the TARDIS, you need to research it and have a very good relationship with it (90%). To do this, you can choose between different social interactions (animations now only show with "city life"). After that, you can become the owner.

You need to refuel the TARDIS from time to time. You can either head to the dangerous Cardiff Rift (Level 2) or use the Eye of Harmony (Level 7). If the TARDIS has no power, it will drop a random room to gain power.

Depending on your skill, you will be able to travel through time and space. But remember: the TARDIS has free will. Don't wait for the accuracy. You can visit secret places (many) and travel through space and time (rabbit holes) where you decide what to do! But if you want to visit other areas, you need to learn how to navigate the ship.

Space adventure
Visit new constellations and planets - but in the present tense. It's fun too! (3 short, 1 long adventure)

Latest Adventure
Travel back in time and enjoy your journey the old fashioned way.
(2 long adventures)

Future Adventure
Or do you prefer to see new things in the future?
(1 short, 1 long adventure)

For more help, you can activate the TARDIS Voice Interface (Level 3). And when you reach a high level, you will see the well-known face of a smart girl who will bake you some soufflés.

If the owner dies and the TARDIS finds out (by telling him), she begins to mourn. If another Sim has a high relationship with the TARDIS, ownership can be transferred. Otherwise, the TARDIS will fly into a supernova due to the death of its owners. Ships have feelings too.

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