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Tiny Mod: Shared Trait Social Impact  

Upload: 27 Jul 2022, 17:38
Created by: helaene [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

This override mod makes most Friendly, Funny and Romantic interactions more likely to fail between Sims with conflicting traits/preferences, and more likely to succeed for Sims with shared traits/preferences. It complements PreferencesPlus but that mod is NOT required to use this one. 

This will work for ANY custom traits you have!

Note that this isn't about just trait-specific interactions, it impacts ALL interactions.

Now in 3 strength flavors! (choose one)

For reference:

-5 is similar to the impact from a Sim being Stressed
-10 is similar to the impact from a Furious relationship with the target Sim
-15 is similar to the impact of being Divorced with the target Sim


Holiday Tradition Override

Holiday Tradition Override

10 Jul 2022

This little mod will definitely come in handy for someone. This is a kind of redefining the settings of the game's holiday traditions of the game for custom character traits.

Off-the-Grid Interactions FIX 40.6 KB

Off-the-Grid Interactions FIX

07 May 2023

It doesn't make sense to me that Trendi, Social Bunny, Plopsy, Video calls, advertisements for roommates and some orders on the computer don't require an internet connection/power to work while Off-the-Grid and when there is no power on the lot.

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