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Tiny Mod: Shared Trait Social Impact  

Upload: 27 Jul 2022, 17:38
Created by: helaene [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

This override mod makes most Friendly, Funny and Romantic interactions more likely to fail between Sims with conflicting traits/preferences, and more likely to succeed for Sims with shared traits/preferences. It complements PreferencesPlus but that mod is NOT required to use this one. 

This will work for ANY custom traits you have!

Note that this isn't about just trait-specific interactions, it impacts ALL interactions.

Now in 3 strength flavors! (choose one)

For reference:

-5 is similar to the impact from a Sim being Stressed
-10 is similar to the impact from a Furious relationship with the target Sim
-15 is similar to the impact of being Divorced with the target Sim


New Spell: Prepare for Adventure!

New Spell: Prepare for Adventure!

30 Mar 2023

Who said a spellcaster could not be a ruin raider? Do you want to clear the path with your bare hands but are afraid of ruining your manicure? Do you fear a swarm of fireflies will burn your expensive spell books? You do not want to buy supplies from those Muggles? Fear no more!

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