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Vampire Magic  

Upload: 26 Mar 2022, 14:02
Created by: Zero [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Vampire Magic

Requires the XML Injector

With this mod, your character can become a vampire sorcerer. As the vampire levels up, magical abilities will increase (i.e. more spells will be available).

If in the previous version only spells were available to sorcerer vampires, now they have access to:
- Magic wands and brooms;
- Alchemical recipes;
- Magic duels;
- Familiars;
- Integration with vampire potions


When Realm Of Magic came out, what I was hoping to have is Vampire Witches. I didn't get that.

Now, I'm aware you can cheat the witch occult trait on a vampire, but that trait is used by the CAS, and when you turn a vampire into a witch, you can't alter the dark form anymore. It also has problem with the UI because the two panel are not compatible.

In order to allow Vampires to use magic, what I did is leave alone the occults traits, and instead, take apart the whole pack to integrate Vampires into the existing system... this means that I redid every single spell and potion in game.

As far as the game is concerned, you Vampire will still be only a Vampire. Meaning that CAS will still think they're Vampires and you'll be able to alter the Dark Form.

But in gameplay, you will get a new option from the Sages in the magic Realm (and from every Mage with unlocked Rite of Ascension spell) when you play with a Vampire:


As you can see, Lilith, still a full Vampire, has the option to ask Morgyn how to use Magic. This enable her to complete the usual task to become a Spellcaster: find motes, turn them in, and be granted the gift of Magic.

Once done the quest, the option "Ask for Rite of Disclosure" will open up and the Vampire will be able to become a Vampire Witch!

This will open up two things:

Alchemy and the option to ask Sages to unlock Magic in the respective Schools. Magic can be unlocked also by practicing and by Duel for Knowledge. Unlocking a School of Magic will unlock all the spells, but they'll be usable only when the vampire will meet the required Vampire Rank.


Vampire magic relies on the night, they don't build charge, instead, having the persona power Nocturnal Affinity is going to make the magic stronger by night (gives the charged result), and they have a very hard time casting spells by day especially under the sun, even if they're immune to it. Nightbound vampires have an even harder time casting by day. Magic consumes Vampire Power and rises Vampires XP, even though not much. 

From this point on, though, you can do everything a Spellcaster can do, including Duels and Familiars:

Wands and Brooms also work.

They will still be fully Vampires though, so no conflicting changes to the UI.


I did a separate hidden skill for Vampires in order to learn alchemy. 

Experimenting with Cauldron will rise that skill and unlock potions. You can also ask the Sages to teach you potions. Once learned the recipes, you can craft potions the usual way.

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  1. CryzenV
    CryzenV [Guests]
    8 January 2024 01:23

    Мод работает, но работает через чур. у меня в мире уже 14 карнилл, и их становится все больше и больше