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Is that a Rocket in your pocket?  

Upload: 17 Aug 2022, 10:13
Created by: JungleSim [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Is that a Rocket in your pocket?

It annoyed me that anytime you move house if you put your build/upgraded rocket in the household inventory when you place it on a new lot you have to build it again from scratch!
So I fixed it, all 3 rocketships have interactions for "Put in Inventory" / "Place in World"

Once in your inventory, you can select them and click "Place in World" to have an off-lot rocketship! Once in the world, the rockets will remain built/upgraded as they were even after changing lots.

Overrides version will apply to existing rockets
Standalones version will not apply to existing rockets
Both versions can be purchased in the catalogue under Activities and Skills, Knowledge
I have also made it so they no longer have to be unlocked through gameplay.
This is a simple tuning mod only no custom mesh or recolors

Allowance Mod

Allowance Mod

13 Apr 2022
1 479

With this mod, your child to teen Sims will be able to ask their parents to start giving them pocket money! Twice a week, their pocket money will be credited to their personal account, which they will be able to manage using a special menu in their mobile phone.

Techie Trait

Techie Trait

01 May 2022

This is another trait that is partially inspired by my own life experience. A Techie learns all tech related skills (programming, video gaming, rocket science, and robotics) faster than anyone else plus doing things that relate to those skills are FUN rather than tedious.

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