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Better Romance  

Upload: 27 Mar 2022, 07:46
Created by: simler90 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Better Romance

This mod adds more rules and checks to how romance works in the game. Romance in this game is pretty simplistic, there is not much to it really. The player is always guaranteed to succeed in romance. There is almost no way to fail. Below, Sim A is the initiator and Sim B is the target of the interaction. Committed relationship means boyfriend-girlfriend/engaged/married.

The game has success scores which are determined by certain tests performed on Sim A and Sim B. If the final score is below the success score of the interaction (every interaction has different success scores), then the interaction fails, otherwise it succeeds. I will not tell you every single test, if you want to know them all, you should export the "scores_socialoutcomes_romance" resource and open it in Notepad and read it. If Sim A is Flirty, for example, it adds +6, and if Sim A also happens to be Very Flirty, then another +10 is added. If the target is Sad, then -12 is subtracted and so on. I don't really have that much of a problem with these checks... except one: If Sim A and Sim B are not in a committed relationship, but if Sim B is in a committed relationship with someone else, the game only decreases the success score by -10. This is not enough. This is why a newly created sim with no Charisma skill can easily woohoo with any sim in a committed relationship in a single day. This is so stupid. It makes the game completely irrelevant to me. In addition, the non-Committal trait has no influence on romance whatsoever. Don't you think sims with this trait should be less faithful? Also, there is this reward trait called Companion, which you get for finishing the Soulmate romance aspiration. That also has no influence on romance. Why? Sims with this trait should be very faithful to their committed partners.

This mod adds the following features to the acceptance of romantic socials:
- The game decreases the success score by -20 if Sim A and Sim B are not in a committed relationship, but if Sim B is in a committed relationship with someone else. So, it is more difficult to successfully romance with committed sims.
- The game decreases the success score by a FURTHER -30 if Sim A and Sim B are not in a committed relationship, but if Sim B is in a committed relationship with someone else AND Sim B has the Companion trait. So, the Companion trait means something now. It is a completely irrelevant trait in the unmodded game.
- The game increases the success score by +15 if Sim A and Sim B are not in a committed relationship, but if Sim B is in a committed relationship with someone else AND Sim B has the non-Committal trait. Sims with the non-Committal trait are less faithful now. In an unmodded game, the non-Committal trait is just as irrelevant as the Companion trait, so this makes it actually work.

Note that all of these checks are cumulative. If Sim B has the Companion trait, but not the non-Committal trait, that means -50 to the success score, which is not easy to overcome (but possible). If Sim B has both the Companion and non-Committal traits, then that means -35 to the success score. If Sim B has the non-Committal trait, but not the Companion trait, that means only -5 to the success score. Not as much of a penalty for non-Committal sims.

Autonomous Behaviour
In an unmodded game, if any of the following conditions is true for Sim A AND Sim A does not have the Unflirty trait, then Sim A is allowed to initiate autonomous romantic socials towards Sim B:
- If the social context is Suggestive, Amorous or Steamy.
- If Sim A is married/engaged/boyfriend-girlfriend with Sim B.
- If Sim A had their First Kiss with Sim B.
- If Sim A and Sim B have done Woohoo.
- Sim A and Sim B were ever in a committed relationship, but Broke Up/Divorced.
- If Sim A is in the Flirty mood.
- If Sim A's romance bar towards Sim B is 10 or higher.
If Sim A has the Unflirty trait, then an additional test is done. Sim A still needs to pass at least one of the checks above to be allowed to take the second test, though. Here is the additional test for Unflirty sims:
- If Sim B happens to be Sim A's committed partner, then the Success Score needs to be at least 12.
- If Sim B is not Sim A's committed partner, then the Success Score needs to be at least 16.

That's it really. As you can see, there is not a single loyalty check in the autonomy code. The acceptance code at least has a single check. In addition, the game directly allows sims to initiate romantic socials towards those sims with whom they have had their First Kiss or have done Woohoo. This is why all sims are obsessed with their old lovers. Anyway, this mod adds additional checks to the autonomy code. Sim A still has to pass at least one of the checks in the first test. After that, all sims have to pass at least one of the checks below added by this mod:
- If Sim A does not have the Unflirty AND Companion traits, but has the non-Committal trait, Sim A automatically passes this test. Non-Committal sims are not very faithful at all.
- If Sim A does not have the Unflirty AND Companion traits, AND if Sim A and Sim B are not in a committed relationship, but Sim A is committed to someone else, then Sim A passes this test if Sim A is Very Flirty.
- If Sim A does not have the Unflirty trait, and Sim A is single, then Sim A passes this test.
- If Sim A does not have the Unflirty trait, and Sim B is Sim A's committed partner, then Sim A passes this test.
- If Sim A has the Unflirty AND Companion traits, AND Sim A is single, then Sim A passes this test if Sim A is Very Flirty AND the Success Score is at least 25.
- If Sim A has the Unflirty trait, but NOT the Companion trait, AND if Sim A and Sim B are not in a committed relationship, then Sim A passes this test if Sim A is Very Flirty AND the Success Score is at least 25.
- If Sim A has the Unflirty trait, AND if Sim A and Sim B are in a committed relationship, then Sim A passes this test if the Success Score is at least 12.

Occult: Lore & Order 649.3 KB

Occult: Lore & Order

22 Oct 2022
1 591

With the Werewolf pack, Maxis added a lovely lot of Lore to the occults; including Vampires and Spellcasters. It gives more of a history between the three species and I'm here for that!

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