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Occult: Lore & Order  

Upload: 22 Oct 2022, 20:09
Created by: missyhissy [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Occult: Lore & Order

With the Werewolf pack, Maxis added a lovely lot of Lore to the occults; including Vampires and Spellcasters. It gives more of a history between the three species and I'm here for that!

The downside is, you can only learn this Lore if you're a werewolf; so vampires and spellcasters can't learn about it. So that's where Occult: Lore & Order comes in!

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What Does This Mod Do?


- The mod edits the Vampire Lore books to add some new notifications. These new ones are only available, however, if your Vampires have gained the new Vampiric Vision trait. This trait can be gained by simply reading the vampire lore books; the same way werewolves earn the Lunar Epiphany perk.

- There's also a new Vampire Lore book; Operation High Fang, which is unlocked at the same time as the Ultimate Tome. This contain further information on the plan to improve the vampire's image. This book can be purchased both on the computer and on the bookshelf, exactly the same as the others.

- All these notifications tell the same story as the werewolf ones, but from the vampire's perspective. What that means is, they'll be slanted more in favour of the vampires.


➡️ I've created three brand new Magic Tomes containing historical texts. Spellcasters will need the Insightful Eye perk in order to be able to read them. These books can be purchased at the Wands, Tomes, & Familiars stall in Casters Alley. They will be randomised, just the same as the spell books.

➡️ Volume 1 is available to Spellcasters ranked Acolyte and above.
➡️ Volume 2 is available to Spellcasters ranked Adept and above.
➡️ Volume 3 is available to Spellcasters ranked Master and above.
➡️ These volumes will contain the same Lore as the werewolves, but slanted more in favour of the Spellcasters.


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