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Milestones V1.9.1  

Upload: 27 Mar 2022, 08:34
Created by: NateTheL0ser [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Milestones V1.9.1

Meet the Life Stage mod! So, let's go

- Babies. Now your kids will not only be teething, but also negative moodlets will appear, up to a fever. Depending on the character trait, each child will experience this stage in his own way. I sympathize with the vampire babies, as this process will be more painful for them.

- Children. Now your children can join interest groups (by clicking on the child himself):
-Creative personalities

Each group has its own interests, likes and dislikes. Adult characters, as usual, will find it difficult to understand new trends, but your child will still be able to find like-minded people among them. But do not forget, a child can only be in one company.

Teenagers . Now they will experience awkwardness at puberty.
Don't be surprised if your teen wakes up in sticky sheets. Yes, yes, now teenagers can experience nocturnal emissions.
Teenage girls will experience a range of emotions when they get their period, from excitement to fear!
Your teenager will be able to share their secret experiences.
But be afraid! An unexpected erection can come on suddenly - even at school or at work - and then your character will get the corresponding moodlet.

Adults . About a week before moving on to the next stage of life, women may experience symptoms from menopause such as hot flashes or irritability. They can complain about this to their loved ones and receive advice on how to survive this difficult period from the older generation.

There are 2 versions of this module compatible with WW and SOL. Also, do not forget that menstrual cycles should only stand from one mod. If you have WW installed, then remove the SOL Menstrual Cycle module from the SOL mod folder.
If you use WW, then install Milestones Mod, if you don't have WW, then replace the files of the same name from the Puberty Package SOL Version folder.

Jealousy Slapping replaced with Fight

Jealousy Slapping replaced with Fight

10 Jul 2022
1 955

If the slap animation seems too cartoonish to you, the author created a mod to replace the slap with a fight. And, although the animation of the fight is also not very realistic, according to the author, the dust cloud at least helps to hide it.

Real Life Mod by melunn 380 KB

Real Life Mod by melunn

26 Mar 2022
2 006

This mod will allow your characters to diversify their social life! It includes new interactions, traits, and moodlets that will allow you to add new colors to the lives of the characters.

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