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Teen/Adult Romance & Mess Around  

Upload: 05 May 2022, 17:36
Last updated: 12-11-2022, 10:16
Created by: PolarBearSims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Teen/Adult Romance & Mess Around

Why I created this mod:
I know MCCC Woohoo has this option. I am getting a lot of comments and PMs telling myself and others that this mod is not needed. So why did I make this if I already know that? Because MCCC Woohoo Module CONFLICTS with my Personality mod the woohoo/try for baby restricted version. Because of this I can not use MCCC Woohoo. Since I can no longer use that module I lost of few things that I had in my game. This is one of those options I lost. Not everyone uses MCCC or Woohoo Module and some also can't use MCCC woohoo because of the conflict. Meaning this is a way for others to also have this option when they don't use that or can't because of a conflict. I'm not trying to come across rude so please don't take it that way. Although, its not very nice to a modder to have others try to turn others away just because there's another mod with out reading why the modder has created this mod in the first place. I apologize if I upset anyone, that is not my intent. I make mods because I want something in my game. I'm allowing others to also use what I have created because I want to not for any other reason. I don't get anything for creating mods other than the joy of reading others joy, stories, fun and appreciation that they get from using my mods. Thank you can't be said enough to those who enjoy my work.

I found one mod other than INTEEN that allowed for teens to be romantically involved with Young Adult and Adult Sims. You can find that mod HERE by Shimrod101. This mod has not been updated since May 2016 and reports in the comments say it is broke.

I wanted to have an updated version of this mod because I get irritated when my two teens are romantic with each other and then one ages up before the other and then they go days or weeks with no romance because the other is still a teen.

Teen_Adult_Romance<--This will open all romantic interactions including mess around for teens and adults to do together.

Teen_Adult_WoohooMessAround<--This is no longer needed for the adults and teens to mess around with each other.

This mod DOES NOT have teen pregnancy. If you want teen pregnancy then you can use my Risky Woohoo

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