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Check Today's Events and Sneak out  

Upload: 07 Sep 2022, 11:25
Last updated: 27-07-2023, 11:28
Created by: ilkavelle [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Check Today's Events and Sneak out

Ok, this is a very quick mod, because it drove me crazy my Sim never ever got any invite for any party, so he couldn't sneak out during his entire high school experience and couldn't complete his aspiration without cheating. 

Well, that's also a kind of cheating, but it feels like less cheating :D

I don't know how to make invites more frequent so instead I just added interaction on the phone (Social) to Check Today's Events. It will give you possibility to go to (or sneak out to) events from game: pop concert, school game, college party or a movie for adults. It works exactly the same way as after getting the invite, just instead of waiting for an invite you just invite yourself lol.

Sometimes you can get notification there is nothing going on as well, maybe at some point I'll have an idea and I'll expand this mod, who knows. 

For the mod to work you need also XML injector (the current version). 

High School Years expansion is mandatory for it to work.

If someone else already created something similar, sorry, I didn't think to check ;)


  • English (default, by me)
  • Polish (by me
  • French (by Kimiko Soma)
  • Chinese (by Juliet)
  • Dutch by HorrorAngels
Farmer Trait

Farmer Trait

01 May 2022

I LOVE being a farmer type Sim now that I have the Cottage Living EP but to make the most of it, I had to use up all of my trait slots for things that seemed like they should be all together in one trait.

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