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Sims 4 High School Years: Narrower High School Lockers [fully functional!]  

Upload: 06 Nov 2022, 07:11
Created by: Senni [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Sims 4 High School Years: Narrower High School Lockers [fully functional!]

I made school that is not so big. And after I found Lockers Overhaul mod by ChippedSim I found out that my school is too small for all this lockers… (especially because I'm using Aramiteus' High School More Class Mates mod and I have 30 students rn)

What can I say more? This lockers are like normal high school lockers but narrower and you can do with them everything that you can do with maxis' ones.

special thanks to @anhaeyn ! She is not aware how much she helped me to deal with frustration while I was makeing it, lol
Sims 4 Studio

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