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Ghastly Ghosts V1.2.6 (23.07.2023)  

Upload: 06 Nov 2022, 10:42
Last updated: 26-07-2023, 11:10
Created by: ChippedSim [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Ghastly Ghosts V1.2.6 (23.07.2023)

Some tweaks to improve the ghost occult and add new features!

Restricted Communication & Visibility
Adds a new system that restricts which Sims can see ghosts and interact with them.

No Phones in the Afterlife

Gets rid of ghosts calling you to congratulate you on your promotion or other nonsense.

Requires the XML Injector

Pack Requirements None
Mod Requirements  XML Injector 
Overriden Resources



Disclaimer: These translations were created by the community and link to the files provided by the creators. I don’t maintain these translations so if you have empty texts showing up in your game the translations might not have been updated to the latest version.

Created By
Jane_Moriarty from Origamika group
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