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Automatic Sunburns V10a  

Upload: 13 Apr 2022, 09:29
Created by: flerb [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Automatic Sunburns V10a

Simply put, Sims of all ages (not children) will automatically get sunburned, sunburned, or something worse when exposed to sunlight! Sims who spend their entire lives in the sun can get skin cancer with the Skin Cancer Addon. If a reclusive Sim in their dungeon doesn't see the sun for a week, they will begin to show signs of a vitamin D deficiency. 

Requires the XML Injector

How it Works
Sims will tan and sunburn anywhere outdoors if the conditions are right! The mod will require Island Living to work. Older versions of Automatic sunburns are available if you do not own Island Living and still want to see your sims tan.

Core Elements

  • 6 skin exposure levels, a blend of mine and EA's
  • A skin exposure motive and a Vitamin D motive that swap automatically.
  • Sun tanning skill
  • integration with Island living objects with new outcomes based on a sim's tanning skill
  • Sun Machine object for affluent sims to artificially tan.

Human sims will change in appearance depending on how much time they spend in or out of the sun. Things like clothing categories, skintones, time of day, and weather affect how a sim will tan.
It's a bit complicated but a picture is worth a thousand words. I went blind trying to draw it.

 There are 3 levels of sunlight throughout the day:

  • morning light at 38% intensity
  • high and bright mid day sun at 100% intensity
  • evening light 38% intensity
  • There is no sun at night but you might find a sim that spends too many nights in the dark gets exposed to some cosmic phenomena!
  • Sunrise and sunset times are different in each world, and sometimes don't seem to sync up with the actual world lighting. This mod just follows EA's rules for day and night.

apparently the sun doesn't shine in Batuu
I guess the three suns of Batuu don't shine ultraviolet light? Tanning will be disabled in Batuu, and Vitamin D will raise to full levels.

 Things that affect sun exposure

Seasons makes the sims world dynamic. Different types of weather will affect the UV light shining from the sun.
These are multiplied by the time of day intensity and the clothing a sim is wearing.
a sim in swimwear will receive these amounts of sunlight:

  • 100% sunny days
  • 80% partially cloudy days
  • 20% overcast days (yep UV light comes right through clouds)
  • 180% sun snow (all that snow reflects nearly double the UV light)
  • 0% when there's any falling rain or snow.

Different groups of clothing categories will burn sims with different skin patterns.
For example, a sim wearing a cold weather outfit will only get burned on their face and neck, while a sim in their bathing suit will get nearly full body coverage.
Different clothing categories block the sunlight so a sim wearing a bathing suit burns faster than a sim wearing their everyday clothing.

Each clothing group blocks a different percentage of sunlight:

  • 0% blocked > swimsuit
  • 66% blocked > everyday, formal, party, pajamas
  • 50% blocked > hot weather, athletic
  • 75% blocked > cold weather

(Some sims, the natural types, they will burn about 10% faster)

Sunscreen If a sim applies sunscreen (bought on the computer under order... purchase tanning items) they can block those UV rays.
Sunscreen has a nice aroma other sims will react to. Sims wearing sunscreen will tan slower depending on the SPF they choose to wear. SPF6 is a tanning lotion that will slow how fast a sim exposes, but it takes some skill to use. SPF15 and SPF30 are toddler safe. All NPCs wear SPF15 sunscreen. You will see them apply some at the pool or beach, or anytime they're in the sun in their swimwear. Toddlers will need help applying sunscreen, but children can do it themselves. Sims wearing SPF6 and SPF15 sunscreen will glisten and shine.

Using the Fitzpatrick scale as a guide to categorizing skintones, I've added a skintone detection system. This allows fair skinned sims to tan faster than darker skinned sims along with other affects like peeling.
Any sim with an EA skintone will be assigned to 6 categories of skin type: fair, ivory, medium, olive, dark, and ebony.
Fair skinned sims will not tan and immediately burn unless they take care to use sunscreen. SPF 30 is a good choice for them.
Ebony skin tones will tan and may never sunburn.
All CC skintones are assigned to the medium skintone, but you can change a sim's skintone behavior at anytime by clicking on them.
The behavior of ivory skinned sims is equivalent in rate to the previous versions of Automatic Sunburns.

Other parts of the mod

Patterns and Persistence
Any time a sim increases in sun exposure level, their clothing at that moment determines the pattern burned on their skin. For light tans and sunkissed tans a soft pattern for their clothing category is applied. A sim in normal clothing will have mostly their arms and face exposed. A sim in swimwear will have a swimwear pattern applied instead. For swimwear you can customize this a bit by clicking on any sim and choosing a one piece suit or bikini for example. This choice will stay with them. (note when sims age up from children to young adults you will need to choose a new pattern).

When a sim is sunburned or gets a golden tan, the EA system kicks in. The EA tanning system can make an exact detailed pattern of any clothing a sim is wearing.
(note: some CC skintones do not have the required elements to make the darker tans/sunburns work properly. Check to see if there are updates for your favorite CC. My soft under layers of tanning and sunburns still will work)

Vitamin D
As if all this wasn't enough, I added a vitamin D system! I based the numbers of real world data, if a sim stays out of the sun for 14 days they will develop a vitamin D deficiency. Symptoms are sometimes sadness, dizziness, but always fatigue. In the fall and winter when rainy days are abundant, if your sim runs into trouble with vitamin D, it might be a real challenge to find some sunlight. Maybe that's a good time for a vacation? Even a walk outside with the dog, or a jog in morning can get those levels rising. Sims that get a healthy dose of sunlight will slowly convert it to Vitamin D over several hours even after coming indoors. In a short time any worrisome moodlets they have will go away.

Skin Cancer addon

While making this mod I based it on realistic data for an accurate simulation. As I researched I was surprised to learn each time someone gets a sunburn,
their chances of getting skin cancer go up by about 10%!! Children who get sunburned nearly increase the risk by 20% with each sunburn. So I've incorporated skin cancer
into this mod as another challenge in gameplay. There are 5 levels of risk a sim can have. You'll see it appear as skin spots, or sun spots on sims.
The more apparent the spots become the higher their risk. As they age the risk goes up as well. A teen with a high risk may only have a 2% chance, but when they age that risk gets higher and higher.
In the end there's a chance your sim will increase their risk of dying from skin cancer if they get sunburned too many times in life. A sim might notice a strange spot when near a mirror.

this is an addon package so you can choose not to include skin cancer in your game.

Flerb Sunny Area Circles and Shady Areas
This allows you to activate sunny areas on porches and indoors. Or add shade under trees and umbrellas.
I found the game turns the sun off on porches, under glass roofs, any roof for that matter. So I created little carpets that will activate the sunlight when sims are near them!
Right now I made them only produce 50% sunlight. They will still be affected by clothing, skintone, and weather conditions.

You'll find them under build mode with carpets. There are two swatches, one a bright color for placing, and a transparent version, or shadowy versions.
I would recommend placing the visible circles first, then using the design tool (hit R) to change them to transparent.
Any sim within the radius will start feeling the sun after a few seconds, so you don't have to be very precise with their placement.

Tanning Objects
Sims can use all of the Island living objects and use interactions that came with Island Living like lounge chairs and towels, however the EA moodlets and tanning is replaced with my own system.
I've also created an artificial UV light source! The Sun Machine is a way for sims to get Vitamin D and Tan indoors at anytime. If a sim has a low tanning skill, they might make some mistakes with any of these interactions...

Tanning Skill
Yes there's now a tanning skill! It has 5 levels and will help a sim use the objects mentioned above without making mistakes. Sims with a low tanning skill might not apply suncreen or tanning lotion correctly and end up getting an embarrassing sunburn. (yeah it happened to me IRL more than once). Sims can build their tanning skill by using outdoor tanning objects, or researching tanning on the computer. At first they will learn faster from reading, but after getting to a higher skill there's no education like experience.

Sunburn relief
Sims can purchase aloe vera juice form the computer and apply it to their skin. They can also purchase aloe vera seeds and try to grow their own aloe plant for harvesting. A milk honey soak bath can provide much relief, especially after applying aloe vera juice. Sims can also attempt to use the "unsunburn" function of the sunmachine.

Vampires can't tan obviously. That would be... 
Other sims like plant sims use sunlight for food.
Robots? nah
Mermaids! Yeah they will tan!
Spell-caster sims, however, I had to disable suntanning for them as their motive display gets messed up. No big deal, maybe YOU can cast a "tanning charm" by using the shift+click cheat menu to give them a tan.

There are a few optional addon packages included.
Skin cancer addon (described above)
Another is small changes to the default EA skintones so that sims tans and sunburns have a more mottled natural appearance. The default skintones don't have this pattern on tans. It's most apparent on fair skinned sims, especially around their face and eyes.
And the last is a tiny addon which allows sims to have extra personality traits for unusual circumstances where a sim's tan might change their personality. Only use this if you aren't using another personality train number mod.

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