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Set Family Relationships & No Romance for Family (13.02.2023)  

Upload: 24 Mar 2022, 12:36
Last updated: 15-02-2023, 11:21
Created by: simsmodelsimmer [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Set Family Relationships & No Romance for Family (13.02.2023)

Requires the XML Injector

Using the Command Center we can add spouses, parents, siblings to relationships. And with this mod, you can add cousins ​​and sisters, uncles and aunts, grandparents!

On the same page, you can also download a mod that removes the romance options with family members if you assign family ties to them.

These relationships are not currently reflected in the family tree (this is why the options to add parents, siblings, etc. are advised to be added using MC Command Center).

- Added ability to add the default game's "Family" Relationship to those that fit in the listed categories (Updated for "Set Family Relationships" and "No Romance For Family" mods).

- Now, you can add several family relationships directly from your phone! This adds convenience in being able to select multiple sims at once as your cousin, godchild, etc. Upcoming updates will allow removing relationships to the phone as well.

One of the features I love about MC Command Center is the ability to add relationships. It allows you to add siblings and parents to desired sims. However, you cannot add cousins, uncles, aunts, grandchildren or grandparents yet. This mod allows you to add those relationships! I use it to add cousins since the game only recognizes first cousins by default. 

To use the mod, click on the desired sim and click on the Set Family Relationships Menu. Here, you can add or remove relationships (parents are not included because I couldn't get the family tree to update the way MCC grandparents and siblings worked). 

Set Family Relationships

TS4 Limited Funds Begone!

TS4 Limited Funds Begone!

07 Aug 2023

If you wish for more than a Million Simoleon Dollars, visit azoresman Profile for there Billion Simoleon dollar version of the mod if you wish your sims to be billionaires?

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