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Simston Private School  

Upload: 01 Apr 2022, 09:44
Last updated: 19-03-2023, 08:00
Created by: SHEnanigans [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Simston Private School

This is a nod to the Sims 2, and if you know anything about it, it was extremely difficult to get into private school. I hope this provides as much of a challenge.


· When the headmaster shows up, use the "Greet Headmaster" friendly introduction to start the event. 

· The headmaster has a special "Headmaster" menu with special interactions. Try them! 

· Students will automatically go to school in their Formal wear. Set up your own unique uniform for them in CAS!

OH, and don't put the headmaster in a group. For whatever reason, it removes them as a participant in the event. Nobody puts headmaster in a group! (brownie points if you know the reference)

This was such a fun mod to make, I hope you enjoy! Let me know in the comments what you think!

As always, a big thank you for your support!

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