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SNBank Financial Center (12.03.2024)  

Upload: 01 Apr 2022, 19:39
Last updated: 12-03-2024, 15:05
Created by: simrealist [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
SNBank Financial Center (12.03.2024)

The Financial Center is an adjacent mod of SNBank that brings a physical bank to the game. Your Sims will now be able to access SNB options, and more, in-person. This keeps to that off-the-grid option where you don't need to use your Sim's cellphone for every SNB service. This mod will also usher in SimRealist Credit options we have planned for later this year. 

We are operating on a USE -> WORK -> OWN progression for all our venues. That means right now we are building the ability to USE a bank venue. Next, we will work on the ability for your Sim to WORK at a Bank and then OWN. 

Unsecured Loans

This update brings in Unsecured Loans. Mortgages became way more complex than what we originally thought and will have their own update. Unsecured Loans are not bound or secured to any object or real estate. As a result, rates are normally higher than mortgages or other secured loans because the risk is higher to the Financial Institution. This mod sets this loan type with the following term options:

New Application Process

When you would like your Sim to borrow an SNB Loan, you will send them off to their local Financial Center to apply with the usual Loan Officer option (Request Assistance from Loan Officer) and then Apply for a Loan. From there, you will enter how much you would like to borrow. The mod will check the Sim's financial standing or DTI to see if they can borrow that much or less based on Bank Policy/Criteria. Bank Policy requires the following in order to borrow from SNBank:


The Household's Debt-to-Income cannot be more than 75%. The mod takes into account the Household's income against how much outstanding SNB debt they have. So say the entire household makes a total weekly income of §5,000, and one of the household members has an SNB Loan with a weekly payment of §1,000. DTI would calculate as 0.2 or 20%. This is still within bank policy, so the Sim can borrow 55% more or §2,750. Still with me? You can cheat with snbfc.dti to have the mod generate this figure without applying and being denied. 

Please note that DTI is only seeing Career Pay in the traditional sense and doesn't have a way to calculate income derived from ownership of a business yet. 


The requirement to have a SNBank account with at least §200 for loan fees still applies. This is where the loan will disburse to as well.


If anyone in the Household defaults or their loan goes into collection, no potential applicants in that Household will be able to get a loan until the Mark has been removed. It is removed 2 Sim weeks after the loan in Collection is satisfied.

Loan Payments and Payoff


The calculated weekly payment amount displayed before you Accept the Agreement is the loan amount divided by the term of the loan without consideration of interest accrued. So the actual bill amount will always be more than the quoted payment amount. Loan Paydown, Interest Accrued, and Late Fees are part of 3 separate billing calculations to keep things as realistic as possible. Meaning, the more you pay down the loan, the lower the amount of interest you will have to pay. So to keep things from getting too complicated, all three bill categories have been separated for your mathematical delight. 

  • Weekly Payment Amount = Loan Amount / Term Selected (4, 8, or 12 weeks)
  • Daily Interest Accrued or Per Diem (starting on Day 0) = (Interest Rate / Term) x Current Loan Amount
  • Late Fee Amount (when a loan is past due for a week and every week thereafter) = Billed amount x .04 (or 4%).


On the day the loan is due, your Sim will receive a phone call to notify you of this. To make a loan payment, your Sim will need to go to the Bank to take care of this bill. Once at the bank, loan payments are taken by the Bank Tellers with the new option called SNBank Loan Payments. After selecting which account you would like to pay from, a pop-up will appear to show you how much is due. Future updates will allow this new bill category and calculation to show in SNB-Bills.


If your Sim should ever be late, a late fee of 4% of the billed amount will be applied to your Sim's next weekly Bills, not your Loan Bill as a fee. You do not need SNB - Bills in order for this late fee to populate properly. It should show up in EA's bills instead of this mod isn't present.


If your Sim continues to be late after 4 missed bills, their loan will default and go into Collections. As a result:

  • Repossessions will take place (see the warning at the top of this post)
  • A Collection Fee will be assessed
  • The Household will be unable to borrow again until the Collected Loan has been paid off and the Sim's Derogatory Mark has fallen off their Credit profile.
  • Payments will only be available by way of the mailbox.

Annual Thank You 2020

In December, we announced that we were planning to do another Annual Thank You gift since we liked offering this to our long-term patrons in 2019. We stepped it up a notch by removing the listing of Patrons from the mod's Welcome Notice and put it in a new object, the Patron Plaque. This Plaque is the reuse of EA’s Might Plaque of Honor that came with Get to Work (pack NOT required to get this object). We customized it to now show the Financial Center logo and make it base game compatible. You can find this Plaque under the Generic Community Objects or just by searching SNBank Plaque.

This Plaque not only holds all the Active Patrons of a year or more as of Oct. 1 2020 listing but also a new simple investment feature! Your Sim can now "invest" into the Financial Center by buying shares. Depending on how many shares that Sim has will determine how much dividend income they will receive each week. We have it set to §125 dividends a week per share (1 share = §2,500). This Dividend will automatically deposit into the Sim's SNB account. This amount will never fluctuate since we didn't want to add in another complex system yet.


In the Thank You! option, Patrons that were with us for a year or more are listed according to how long they've been with us and then by name.

Placing or Creating a Bank Lot


In order to start with this mod, you will need a lot with the Sim National Bank Lot Trait. This can be any type of lot, even residential but I wouldn't recommend that at this time. If you would like just a bank, you can use the Generic lot type with this lot trait. I made a test bank for you as well so you don't have to immediately build one. It will provide an example of what you will need for each function of the bank. You can then build whatever kind of bank you would like. To add my test bank branch to your game, you can either download the tray files below and put them in your Tray folder, or you can look up the EA Account ID: SimRealist.

Objects you will need to have a complete bank are:

  • A Bank Computer (Account Manager) Desk Station (found in Community Items)
  • A Bank Teller Desk and Station (found in Community Items) 
  • A Credit Computer (Loan Officer) Desk Station (found in Community Items) 
  • A Bank Lobby (be sure to have a good size one and only have one entrance and exit so you can attempt to control the NPC traffic).
  • (Optional) SNB Bank Sign (Found in Wall Decor)

How to Use the Bank


If this is the first time a Sim has used SNBank (the main mod) and they don't have an account, you want to start at an Account Manager's office. There you will be able to Inquire about what Bank Products are available and Open either an SNB account or buy a LittleMsSam ATM Card. You will need an SNB Account in order to use other Bank services.

In addition to opening an SNB Bank Account, you can also close one with an Account Manager when you no longer need SNB services or open more SNB Accounts for the rest of your household. 

From there, your Sim can either go to a Bank Teller or a Loan Officer. This depends entirely on your Sim's needs at the moment. 


A Bank Teller will assist your Sim with a number of services starting with the basic deposit and withdrawal as well as making your Student Loan Payment. You also have two new options that allow you to send money to other Sims by way of a limited SimoleonGram or an unlimited Wire. Both come with a fee. What this means is that SNB will require an update where we cap the Send Money feature so that you have to go to the bank to send more than a certain amount with Bank Approval. You know to protect you from future fraud and all. 


A Loan Officer is available to assist with your Sim's Credit needs. Right now you need one or both of the Third Party mods we reference which are LittleMsSam's Credit module of her ATM mod and (MizoreYukii) Scarlet's SimCity Loans mod. To get started, click a Loan Officer NPC and the Credit UI will guide you through whichever product you choose.


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