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Ask to Eat and more [Jul 23, 2023]  

Upload: 03 Apr 2022, 13:11
Last updated: 25-07-2023, 15:40
Created by: amellce [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Ask to Eat and more [Jul 23, 2023]

Now you don't have to worry about your guest or family member going hungry! With this mod, you can ask a specific character to take a serving of food or drink. Also, you can ask him to take medicine, take a serving of popcorn, ice cream, or drink a drink from the kava root.

AskToEat Main Mod:
The main AskToEat file adds new options to food/drink items, allowing you to call another sim to eat food or drink:
- "Ask to eat" option for single foods and harvestables;
- "Ask to drink" option for single drinks, plasma packs, drinkable potions, herbalism potions, cauldron potions, poison antidote, infection vaccines, and such; (Please read the Known Issue section below)
- "Ask to take medicine" option for medicine.

↓↓The following are add-ons, they're OPTIONAL and REQUIRE the main file to work:

- Adds "Call to grab serving / Call to grab drink" option to ice cream carton, fizzy juice box, kava bowl, coffee maker, tea brewer, popcorn popper, juice keg, globe bar drink platter and Fountain of Mirth, allowing you to select one or more sims to grab servings.  

- Adds "Call to meal" option to multi-serving food, allowing you to select one or more sims to grab servings. 
Note Ⅰ: There is already a “Choose who you Call to Meal” mod made by LittleMsSam, this addon basically does the same thing as it. I separated this as an optional file so you can choose as you prefer. (They're not conflict.)
Note Ⅱ: I made the player sim selectable in the simpicker, so you can decide whether to let the player sim grab food together by selecting them or not. But you must select at least one other sim that's not the active player sim, otherwise the player sim won't react since you can't call only yourself to eat.

- Adds "Ask to eat leftovers" option to fridge, allowing you to select another sim to get leftovers from fridge.
- Adds "Ask to eat/drink" option for foods/drinks in the fridge inventory, allowing you to click on the food from inventory and select another sim to eat/drink.

- Adds "Grab food/drink for..." option for food, harvestables, medicine, and most drink types, allowing you to select another sim, bring food to them and ask them to eat.
It's like a for-all-ages version of EA's "Give food from inventory to toddler" and "Grab serving for toddler" interaction (somehow they seem to be bugged and unusable in recent game version), except that this custom interaction is initiated by clicking on the food, and it works with food placed in world, in sim inventory, and in fridge inventory.

So now you can (Examples):

  • Tell sims to continue eating when they suddenly forget to eat and leave their food on the table or floor (I made the mod mainly for this);
  • Feed your hungry vampire friends by giving them a plasma pack;
  • Bring ghost sims back to life by asking them to eat Ambrosia;
  • Call your sim's family to grab servings from popcorn popper and eat together on a family movie night;

and so on...
Note: I am completely new to modding and I started playing The Sims 4 not long ago, still not so familiar with the game actually. This mod has been working well in my game so far but may not have been fully tested. If you find anything is missing, or should you encounter any problems, feel free to let me know. 

  • Only basegame is needed.
  • Scumbumbo's XML Injector is required for this mod to work. >You can download the latest version here<  Click "-DOWNLOAD-" to download XMLInjector's .zip file >> unzip the .zip file >> put the .ts4script file directly into your Mods folder >> then download this mod and put the .package files into your Mods folder.

Known Issue:

  • Children will appear in the simpicker of some of the drink types that are not available to children (tea, coffee etc.), they can be asked to drink, but will not actually drink them.


  • This mod does not override any in-game resources, so it should not conflic with other mods as far as I know.
  • Compatible with No Auto Food Grab after Cooking mod by LittleMsSam.
  • Should work on most CC foods. However, depending on CC, sometimes the mod may not work properly and the following may happen: "Ask to ..."option does not appear; sim does not react; sim reacts but eats/drinks with a wrong animation. (I haven't encountered these myself, just some possibilities.)
    But even when the mod does not work on some CC, it should not break anything. Let me know if it throws any errors.

Brazilian Portuguese (by lerigou)
Russian (by DFenter)

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