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Family Reunion Tweak: Check Household Relationships Not Just Current Sim  

Upload: 07 May 2023, 16:11
Created by: Enkidu [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Family Reunion Tweak: Check Household Relationships Not Just Current Sim

The list of possible guests for the Family Reunion event (Growing Together) only checks relationships for the currently selected sim, even if multiple sims are selected as hosts. For example you can't invite a sim's in-laws if they aren't acquainted.

This small override changes that behavior so now you can invite anyone related to any member of your household.

Already Upgraded 3.20 MB

Already Upgraded

05 May 2022

Upgrading is simply a state assigned to each item, usually upon placement in the game world. They usually have three possibilities: Not Started, Partial, and Complete.

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1 000

Sims will prefer the shower over taking a bath in most cases. The bubble bath will only be chosen autonomously by kids, goofballs, childish an pregnant Sims.

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1 281

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