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Servo Auto-Charger - Charge your servos wirelessly!  

Upload: 21 Mar 2023, 16:15
Created by: SkyGuy15 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Servo Auto-Charger - Charge your servos wirelessly!

UPDATE 3/19/22: I've updated the object so that it shouldn't need Parenthood and only needs the base game/DU! In addition, I've added a small separate mod to fix a minor visual bug when using the object.

This is an object that when turned on can automatically keep your servos charged up wirelessly, without them needing to sleep! Now you can have busy servos that are on & active for longer periods of time, for things like parties, childcare, planning for world domination, etc. I've taken secret plans from Tesla (The inventor Nikola Tesla, not the other one) to build a cutting edge electric coil that synchronizes positronic waves with their capacitors and which sends them a charge far across the room, no cables required!

...Okay but seriously now,
This is based on the Tesla coil from one of the school project objects in the Parenthood GP, and I've modified it so that it's now a broadcaster which raises the Charge motive of servos almost as fast as when they're in sleep mode, and it should have a pretty far range even in a larger room.

When turned on, the object will have a slow pulsing glow on the outline to show it's working (I could've used the original electric sparks effect, but the sounds got a bit annoying after a while), plus an unweighted Energized buff that will show up on the servos it's charging. And when off, it can be moved around in live mode or into a sim's inventory. It's priced at 1000 Simoleans and can be found in the Electronics > Misc. section. Note that it does use lots of power which can increase your household's energy bill.

I've also added an optional mod, "ServoChargeMotiveFix", to fix a minor visual bug that occurs when using the object: When a servo is fully charged, I noticed that their charge meter suddenly loses it's icon & description. I did a little digging and found out that this is due to some missing info in the original statistic tuning file that Maxis forgot to include for some reason, so I simply added this info back in and it's no longer an issue. (This specifically changes the "robots_Motive_Charge" statistic tuning, for the record)

Requires the Discover University EP, and although this is based on a Parenthood object, I tried to change it enough so that it shouldn't be necessary to have the pack installed, but I haven't tested whether that's true or not, so better to have that one as well. UPDATE: This mod should no longer also require the Parenthood GP!

I'm really happy with how this mod turned out and I'm glad to finally share it online, hope you enjoy it!

Made with Sims 4 Studio, Photoshop and Lot51's TDESC builder.

Road to Romance v1.1

Road to Romance v1.1

18 Mar 2022
4 926

Coming in a future update: "Ask to Go to Bed Together" (for couples to go to sleep at the same time!), a new kiss interaction. Update notes: v1.1 - now with a new mood, "Affectionate"! + 5 extra interactions + some little oversights have been fixed.

Better Elders Mod 2 MB

Better Elders Mod

01 Apr 2022
3 074

The Better Elders mod adds more gameplay for elders to create a more in depth experience for your sims. It adds traits, events, aspirations, interactions and more to your game. This mod is a work in progress, and will periodically have updates for bug fixes and to add new features.

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