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Storytelling Socials v1.7  

Upload: 03 Apr 2022, 13:36
Last updated: 22-03-2023, 14:21
Created by: lazarusinashes [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Storytelling Socials v1.7

Storytelling Socials v1.7 is here! Storytelling Socials is an expansive mod that adds over 60+ interactions with an emphasis on storytelling. This update focused on family interactions, though it is rather small. I wanted more interactions, but life got in the way.

In any event, the new interactions are as follows:

  • Call a Freeloader: Parents can call their adult children living with them freeloaders if they are unemployed. This always fails with Lazy, Slob, and Irresponsible Sims, though.
  • Check On: An interaction for Compassionate Sims. If a Sim in a bad mood, Compassionate Sims can check on them, which will leave them feeling cared for and inspired.
  • Express Compassion: Yet another one for Compassionate Sims. If they dislike someone, they can do this interaction, which increases their relationship and makes the Target consider burying the hatchet
  • Pressure to Succeed: Parents can now pressure their children to succeed in life. Always fails with Lazy, Slob, and Rebellious (Childhood Phase) Sims. It only ever fully succeeds if a Sim is Adventurous, Ambitious, Neat, or Self-Assured.
  • Lecture about Life Choices:  A catch-all interaction that enables parents to lecture their children about the choices they've made in life. Teen+ interaction.
  • Insult Work Performance: Sims can insult their coworkers' performance. Separate interaction from EA's "Insult Work Ethic", which is only available in active careers.
  • Insult Children: Do you really want to get under someone's skin? Now you can insult their children! Only if they have them, though. Family-Oriented Sims definitely do not take this kindly.
  • Beg Pathetically to Be Taken Back: I finally got this interaction working! When Sims are sad, they can pathetically beg to be taken back. If it works, the two Sims start dating again. If not, well... your Sim becomes well aware of how pathetic their begging was.

Other Notes

  • Added wait times to Express Love and Express Gratitude for Friend to prevent Sims from spamming it autonomously


  • Download only ONE version of the mod
  • Unzip not more than one folder deep in your mods folder
  • Enjoy!
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